& Creative


Building striking brand identities is a passion for our strategic designers. After a thorough mind mapping session with our clients, we come back to our table and exchange new thoughts on brand communication, and in the process we define the birth of a new brand!

Strategic Direction

Through insight-driven creative storytelling, we spread the brand’s vision across the globe. We bring together a team of dynamic individuals from varied cultural backgrounds to devise unique brand experience stories.

We create opportunities for brands to initiate entertaining and engaging conversations – by creatively integrating online and offline brand promotional activities.


Entertaining. Engaging. Educating! That’s what our team of award-winning Creative Directors, Art Directors and Writers has been doing over the past few decades! As a specialist marketing communication agency, we offer creatively potent and strategically sharp communication solutions for brands.

Our Above The Line services offer

Interactive & Social Media

People are more connected than ever before - a picture update can bring smiles, a tweet can break barriers. We deploy creative ideas in a strategic and targeted manner so that the audience not just consumes the experience, but also shares them in their social world.

Great conversations not only happen over coffee! Ping! Is it a Tweet or Facebook alert? It’s young, it’s now, and it’s working! Trust us to add vigor to the pages of your brand’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn profiles. Our creative folks will create the right buzz for your brand on the web.

Our Interactive & Social Media services include:

Media & Communication

Before preparing any media plan, BB digs deep into the target audience in terms of their age, location, economical status, and other key factors that influence them profoundly. We realize that a well-researched marketing strategy forms the backbone of any successful media marketing service.

We offer the following Media & Communications services:

Media Planning & Buying / Search Engine Marketing / Social Media Marketing & Outreach / Social Media Planning


We’re all ears. Feel free to reach us.